Q: How long does it take to receive my order?
A: Orders typically arrive within 2-4 business days, depending on purchase time and destination. However, please note that delivery times may vary due to factors such as customs clearance and local postal services.
Q: Will I be charged additional taxes on my order?
A: No custom taxes will be added since our stock is located within the EU. However, please be aware that some countries may impose additional taxes or duties on imported goods, which are the responsibility of the buyer. We recommend checking your country's customs regulations for more information.
Q: When will my order be shipped?
A: We generally ship orders every day. If your order has been placed before 15:00, it will be dispatched same day, however subject to exceptions. If your order has been placed after 15:00, it will be dispatched the next week day.
Q: What is the delivery time, and what shipping options do I have?
A: GLS: 2-4 week days
UPS: 1-3 week days
All shipments include tracking.
Q: What happens if my order goes missing?
A: If your order goes missing, the shipping provider will cover all loss.